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Ivan the Wolf and the Gray Tsarevich

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A sieve with berries

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Phenomenology of Death

The book "Phenomenology of Death,Notes" is a poetic cycle devoted to the perception of death, accompanied by copyright illustrations. A series of described death modes is revealed in parallel: in poetic texts and images. It is accompanied by a philosophical introduction by Lida Voronina (Harvard), where this topic is conceptualized. St. Petersburg, 2018.

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Female voice

“Female voice” is a feminist samizdat art and poetry project by artists and poets Lisa Neklessa, Saida Sattarova, Lena Lyapina, in which each participant created illustrations for their own texts. The project also includes a multimedia part - the author’s readings of poetic texts recorded on audio. You can listen to the texts through the QR code on the first page.

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